3 day long weekend

25 05 2007

Ha!  Like it matters, every day has been a weekend / holiday for me for almost a full 12 months now.  Tedious?  You better believe it is.

I’d much rather be working, as opposed to working out.  Well that’s not entirely true, I’d much prefer to be working AND working out.  Then I’d have the best of both worlds.

Not a great deal to report at the moment.  The weather is slooooooowly warming up, although the temperatures here are still the same of those back home in Melbourne, where it’s cooling down in readiness for Winter.

We’ve got a busy weekend ahead, with a couple of social engagements to go to, one of them being a fancy dress with a Circus theme.  Can anyone say CLOWN?  I’m guessing there’s going to be dozens of them.

I have a risque idea as to what to wear, if I had more time I’d make a costume myself, but I may have to resort to whatever I can find in a costume store at the last minute.  Again…  can anyone say clown?  *laugh*

It’ll be interesting, of that much I’m sure.  I’ll attempt to take photos, but as always, I have final say over what’s shared / published to the masses, and if I don’t like it, well you’re not going to see it. 😉

Hope you’re all having great weekends yourselves or that you do when you get to it.
