Good bye Dad, Rest In Peace

22 05 2009

DAD TITLE PAGE Today was my Fathers Funeral.  A sad day, but also a celebration of his life.

Everything went smoothly, and even despite a technical hiccup, one that I managed to circumvent, everything went well.  I may not have worked in almost three years, but I still know my event management.

The Funeral Directors did a great job, but during our final meeting last night they told me “there shouldn’t be any problems”.  Shouldn’t.  That’s not, there won’t be.

I’d already delivered all the music, the DVD of photos, and emailed hard copies of the music, readings and Order of Service, but being the paranoid planner that I am, not only had I done this, but I’d also prepared a folder of my own, with hard copies of all the items to be read, and 2 backups each of the DVD and the music.

Phew!  At the graveside when the final track was to be played and two CD’s failed, I had a spare.  It all went according to plan.

As for the day itself, it started off foggy, but cleared up.  The service, what I remember was beautiful.  To be honest, I barely saw anyone, barely spoke, other than the obligatory thank you for coming, and it would have meant so much to dad…  It was just too hard, I knew that if I became too engaged with family and friends that I’d lose control of my emotions.  I was fine, until the music started to play, and then the tears came.

When it came time for me to deliver a tribute to my dad I was fine at the beginning, but choked up on a couple of paragraphs, but overall managed to deliver it without too many issues.  My sister also managed to get her reading done as well.

Dad would have been proud.  More importantly everyone enjoyed the tribute, and the photo presentation, a great relief to me as I’d spent many days and nights this week working on them.

It’s been a very, very long day.  But one filled with family and friends.  But right now I’m exhausted beyond words.

I’ve been functioning on will power and adrenalin for the last two weeks, and now it’s time to rest.

If I get a chance I’ll share the tributes in tomorrows entry.

Until then, thank you to everyone who shared there condolences, love and sympathy, and many happy memories of my father.  Your love and support has been greatly appreciated.

Rest In Peace Dad.  You’ll be sadly missed, but you’re forever in our hearts.




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