
31 08 2008

It’s a long weekend over here right now, so there’s plenty of free time for us, so we’ve decided to make it a DVD weekend.

Given Mark’s collection of movies, you’d think we’d have enough to keep us entertained at home, but today we decided to go and visit Blockbuster.

Since we’re members of their loyalty program we usually get one free movie rental a month, plus after hiring a certain amount, we get another free movie.  We really don’t go too often so we’ve never really seen what the program can do for us.

Today was a bit of fun, we hired a pile of movies, and while checking them out were told that we’d earned one free rental, plus a coupon for next month for another one, and one more coupon expiring today for another free weekly rental.  This last coupon can’t be used in the same transaction though.  So while I waited out the front of the store, Mark went back in to pick the film.  Only to be told as he checked it out, that he had another voucher for another movie.  So back into the store he went, only to be told with the next film, that there was another voucher.

By this stage the lady at the counter told us there was obviously a glitch on our account causing multiple vouchers to be printed.  This time around, she tore it up.  Not that we minded, we already had 7 movies and 2 video games in our pile.  *laugh*

Good glitch to have though! 😉

But…  Have to run, we’re on to our second movie, and sitting here typing isn’t going to help me finish watching them.


Social Saturday

30 08 2008

Wow, it’s been over 12 hours since I walked out the door this morning to get the day underway, and I had absolutely no idea I’d be out for so long.

Neither did Oliver, who was quite beside himself when I finally got home, and was howling at the door.  I think he thought I’d abandoned him, he’s developed separation anxiety since Mulder vanished.  Poor kitty.

Initially the plan was to drive Mark into Seattle to drop him off for some geek convention and then meet up with a friend for a day of social activities, and the plan worked a treat.  The only concession I made was that rather than phone my friend at 10 am when I arrived in Seattle, I went book shopping, made a couple of purchases and settled in with a coffee to have a read, and allow my friend; Geoff a bit of a Saturday sleep in, before we met up for real coffee, not Starbucks crap, followed by a trip around the stores.

All in all a pretty good day, and now that I’ve home and proven to Oliver that I’ve not left him, a deal sweetened by being fed, all is well again.

Hooroo and have a good weekend!

I think I’m broken

29 08 2008

This is gunna be short, I’m tired and going to have an early night.

Personal Training first thing, followed by Physical Therapy and the associated workout, and then racquetball…

Fun, but tiring, so I’m outta here.


Check out me gnashers!

28 08 2008

It was Dentist day again today.  Every three months, it’s a dental visit and a cleaning session, and strangely enough, it’s finally a dental appointment that I look forward to.  It’s such a nice change to have a great dentist.

Best part…  No issues, just clean and sparkly teeth.  That makes me very happy, although I did get reminded that I have to go and see an Orthodontist…  I really do, I’ve been putting it off for 12 months.

I know where the referral is, I’m just not a fan of anything that may require hospitalisation, which is probably why at the age of 35 I still have my wisdom teeth. 😉

Other than that, it was catch up with a friend for a coffee and a three hour conversation, and home for the evening, only to discover that tomorrow is Friday.  Wow!  Where’d the week go?

Well best wind this up, before I bore you to death. 😉


Social life… How I’ve missed you!

27 08 2008

Today has been an awesome day… Lunch with a friend, followed by dinner and drinks with another…

The latter being my new “Grace”, my first real female friend since I moved here, how I’ve missed that sort of relationship.  *laugh*

All in all it’s been a great day.   First thing this morning was the gym, which was harder than usual, primarily because I couldn’t sleep last night, so at 1am this morning I put myself through a home based workout…

Not the brightest thing to do when you’re going to be put through another session by a Personal Trainer within 6 hours…  Nevertheless…

Post gym, I got home, cleaned house, did washing, cooked dinner for the evening, then hit the road for an afternoon and evening of social activities.   Something I’ve missed sorely.

Needless to say I’m exhausted now! 😉

So hope you’re all well, hooroo!

Squngee good fun!

26 08 2008

For quite some time now we’ve had a bird feeder in the back garden.  It was here when we moved in, so we filled it with wild bird seed to see what sort of birds we’d attract.

So far ther’e’s been Robins, Sparrows and a few Blue Birds…  Probably all standard stuff for most people, but aside from the Sparrows, I’ve never seen the others in real life, let alone the humming birds I just noticed a moment ago.

Pretty cool!

Anyway…  The added bonus of the bird feeder is that all the birds it attracts entertain Oliver endlessly, and since there’s the occasional Squirrel too, he’s in kitty heaven.

Yesterday afternoon I decided I need to increase the entertainment levels, especially Oliver has maintained a vigil at the front door for the 2 and a bit weeks that Mulder has been gone, waiting for him to come home.  Very sad to see, his little heart is broken. 😦

So last night we hit up the Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Store and purchased an additional bird feeder for the larger birds, as the existing one is for small birds (it snaps shut when a heavy bird lands on the perch), and a Squngee for the Squirrels.

Apparently Squirrels like dried corn, they like peanuts and birdseed too apparently, as I’ve been throwing peanuts outside for months, and they keep picking through the cast off birdseed from the feeder.

A Squngee (Sanda, you’re gunna love this!), is essentially a corn holder for Squirrels, only it’s a hanging feeder with a built in spring, so that the Squirrels actually bungee while using it.  Sounds like good fun to me, although I’ve not seen them use it yet.  I do have the camera ready on the off chance it happens soon though.

I couldn’t find a decent photo online to share, but I did find a YouTube video, so check it out for yourself.


So there you have it.  All the birds and Squirrels are (or will be) happy, and Oliver has endless entertainment.


The Houdinis’ Great Escape

25 08 2008

In 7 years, 2 continents, 4 flights, 6 airports, and 5 addresses, we’ve never lost them…

Today, a day that’s already miserable…  I dropped Mulder’s remains off for cremation, a task that was a lot harder than I ever imagined…  Crappy weather…   AND I was at Physical Therapy (PT) being “tortured”…  my phone rang.

Do you own two little dogs?  A brown one, and a black one?

Apparently this morning when the gardener came, he either didn’t close the gate properly, or left it open, and Dolce and Vita, who until now have never left the yard unaccompanied, absconded.

Too make it worse, after leaving my PT session half way through, I found them both, in the care of two women, being hand fed roast chicken.

Let’s just say “Father was not amused” when on being called, he was completely ignored.  This is one of those instances where it’s entirely appropriate to point out that they’re both now “in the dog house”, literally, and figuratively.

Oliver may very well become an only child!

Argh…  Guess I’d better finish my workout at home.


The ass fell out of the sky

24 08 2008

Well, it did!  It started out a beautiful day, and now it’s misty outside, humid and the rain is falling in torrents, but at least it saves me having to water the garden.  So there’s definitely a bright side.

It’s been a relatively quiet day, we caught up with a friend; Scott, saw his new house, had lunch, then played pool and had a couple of beers.  Nigh on perfect if you ask me.

Now we’re home for the night, a night that marks the second Mulder-less Sunday.  It’s still hard to believe he’s gone.  Gone but not forgotten.  It’s early days yet, but I’m considering adopting another cat to keep Oliver company, he’s not been his happy little self for a while now.

So we’ll see what happens.

Until then…  Hooroo!

Movie madness

23 08 2008

Perhaps “Square Eyes” may be more appropriate.

This weekend, well at least so far has been spent in front of the television catching up on all the recorded shows from the last couple of months.  In my defense I’ve been sorting the laundry and doing the ironing.  Mark has been lying on the couch.

Later on…  We’ll actually be leaving the house, and going to the cinema…   Lazy, leisurely goodness!

Hope you’re all having great weekends out there!

Whoah Nelly!

22 08 2008

This week has flown by.  It’s hard to believe it’s Friday evening already, at least it’s been a productive day, the house is almost back in order again.

Tonight is going to be a relaxing evening, if people have to be beaten for it to happen that way. 😉

Have a great weekend!